Our Project Lead, Graham Harris, recently gave a presentation as part of Solar Alberta's Solar Series of monthly lunchtime webinars.
The webinar, "Participating in the Carbon Market: Solar Offsets for Homes and Businesses", was a great success, with over 115 interested people engaging with Graham and Dr Sara Hastings-Simon of the University of Calgary in two informative presentations and discussions over the course of an hour.
Topics discussed included understanding what an "environmental attribute" is and how it relates to carbon offsets, the role of offsets in the Alberta carbon credit markets and how they are created, the interaction between carbon credits and net zero goals, why aggregation is critical for owners of microgeneration solar PV and wind systems to participate in the carbon markets, who is eligible to create carbon credits, and the price of carbon.
Whether you are a homeowner, business, farmer, building owner, municipality or community group, if you have installed or are thinking of installing a solar or wind system <5 MW in size, this presentation was packed with relevant information. And the good news is, it's now online for free viewing at Solar Alberta's YouTube channel here.